Understanding Google Analytics metrics is one of the most important steps before taking any data based decisions.
You should know how the metrics are calculated by google analytics before displaying it in interface.
We’ll look at formulas of some of the important ratio metrics.
You can also use the individual metrics in custom reports or in APIs.
You can also check out the latest article (by clicking the link below) where I have listed all the metrics & dimensions of Google Analytics.
Lets look at Top 25 Google Analytics Metrics Formulas.
1.) Avg. Session Duration =
Sessions Duration / Sessions
API Names :
- Avg. Session Duration -> ga:AvgSessionDuration
- Session Duration -> ga:sessionDuration
- Sessions -> ga:sessions
2.) Avg. Time On Page =
Time On Page / (Pageviews – Exits)
API Names :
- Avg. Time on Page -> ga:timeOnPage
- Pageviews -> ga:pageviews
- Exits -> ga:exits
3.) Bounce Rate(%) =
Bounces / Sessions
API Names :
- Bounce Rate -> ga:bounceRate
- Sessions -> ga:sessions
- Bounces -> ga:bounces
4.) % Exit =
Exit / Pageviews
API Names :
- %Exit -> ga:exitRate
- Exit -> ga:exits
- Pageviews -> ga:pageviews
5.) % New Sessions =
New Users / Sessions
API Names :
- % New Sessions -> ga:percentNewSessions
- New Users -> ga:newUsers
- Sessions -> ga:sessions
6.) Avg. Page Load Time (sec) =
(Page Load Time (ms) * 1000)/ Page Load Sample
API Names :
- Avg. Page Load Time -> ga:avgPageLoadTime
- Page Load Time (ms) -> ga:pageLoadTime
- Page Load Sample -> ga:pageLoadSample
7.) Avg. Page Download Time (sec) =
(Page Download Time (ms) * 1000) / Speed Metric Sample
API Names :
- Avg. Page Download Time -> ga:avgPageDownloadTime
- Page Download Time (ms) -> ga:pageDownloadTime
- Speed Metric Sample -> ga:speedMetricsSample
8.) Avg. User Timing (sec) =
(User Timing (ms) * 1000) / User Timing Sample
API Names :
- Avg. User Timing -> ga:avgUserTimingValue
- User Timing (ms) -> ga:userTimingValue
- User Timing Sample -> ga:userTimingSample
9.) Ecommerce Conversion Rate (%) =
Transactions / Sessions
API Names :
- Ecommerce Conversion Rate -> ga:transactionsPerSession.
- Transactions -> ga:transactions
- Sessions -> ga:sessions
10.) Goal XX Conversion Rate (%) =
Goal XX Completions / Sessions
API Names :
- Goal XX Conversion Rate -> ga:goalXXConversionRate
- Goal XX Completions -> ga:goalXXCompletions
- Sessions -> ga:sessions
11.) Goal XX Abandonment Rate (%) =
(Goal XX Starts – Goal XX Completions) / Goal XX Starts
API Names :
- Goal XX Abandonment Rate -> ga:goalXXAbandonRate
- Goal XX Completions -> ga:goalXXCompletions
- Goal XX Starts -> ga:goalXXStarts
12.) RPC =
(Revenue + Goal Value) / Clicks
API Names :
- RPC -> ga:RPC
- Revenue -> ga:transactionRevenue
- Goal Value -> ga:goalValueAll
- Clicks -> ga:adClicks
13.) ROAS =
(Revenue + Goal Value) / Cost
API Names :
- ROAS -> ga:ROAS
- Revenue -> ga:transactionRevenue
- Goal Value -> ga:goalValueAll
- Cost -> ga:adCost
14.) Cost per Goal Conversion =
Cost / Goal Completions
API Names :
- Cost per Goal Conversion -> ga:costPerGoalConversion
- Goal Completions -> ga:goalCompletionsAll
- Cost -> ga:adCost
15.) Cost per Transaction =
Cost / Transactions
API Names :
- Cost per Transaction-> ga:costPerTransaction
- Transactions -> ga:transactions
- Cost -> ga:adCost
16.) Avg. Search Depth =
Search Depth / Total Unique Searches
API Names :
- Avg. Search Depth -> ga:avgSearchDepth
- Search Depth -> ga:searchDepth
- Total Unique Searches -> ga:searchUniques
17.) Time After Search (ga:avgSearchDuration) =
Time After Search (ga:searchDuration) / Total Unique Searches
API Names :
- Total Unique Searches -> ga:searchUniques
18.) % Sessions with Search =
Sessions with Search / Sessions
API Names :
- % Sessions with Search -> ga:percentSessionsWithSearch
- Sessions with Search -> ga:searchSessions
- Sessions -> ga:sessions
19.) % Search Exits =
Search Exits / Total Unique Searches
API Names :
- % Search Exits -> ga:searchExitRate
- Search Exits -> ga:searchExits
- Total Unique Searches -> ga:searchUniques
20.) % Search Refinements =
Search Refinements / Result Pageviews
API Names :
- % Search Refinements -> ga:percentSearchRefinements
- Search Refinements -> ga:searchRefinements
- Result Pageviews -> ga:searchResultViews
21.) Site Search Goal XX Conversion Rate (%) =
Goal XX Completion / Total Unique Searches
API Names :
- Site Search Goal XX Conversion Rate -> ga:searchGoalXXConversionRate
- Goal XX Completions -> ga:goalXXCompletions
- Total Unique Searches -> ga:searchUniques
22.) Event / Session with Events =
Total Events / Sessions with Event
API Names :
- Event / Session with Events -> ga:eventsPerSessionWithEvent
- Total Events -> ga:totalEvents
- Sessions with Event -> ga:sessionsWithEvent
23.) Avg. Value =
Event Value / Total Events
API Names :
- Avg. Value -> ga:avgEventValue
- Event Value -> ga:eventValue
- Total Events -> ga:totalEvents
24.) User Retention =
Users / Total Users
API Names :
- User Retention -> ga:cohortRetentionRate
- Users -> ga:cohortActiveUsers
- Total Users -> ga:cohortTotalUsers
25.) Cohort Revenue per User =
Transactions / Total Users
API Names :
- Revenue per User -> ga:cohortRevenuePerUser
- Transactions -> ga:transactions
- Total Users -> ga:cohortTotalUsers
- I have mentioned some of the important metric formulas used in Google Analytics.
- Some of the metrics are not available in Google Analytics Default Reports. i.e in Audience, Acquisition, Behavior & Conversion Reports.
- You can use these metrics (used in formulas) by creating Custom Reports or via GA Reporting API.
- You can check the whole list of dimensions & metrics formulas here.
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